Comments on The Boy Who Cried Book Charlie Hills just writing about writing 2017-04-02T03:31:08Z WordPress By: NaNoWriMo 2016 – Charlie's Blog NaNoWriMo 2016 – Charlie's Blog 2016-12-02T13:28:50Z 2016-12-02T13:28:50Z […] One problem. I wasn’t sure what to work on this year. After spending a million hours on the house move and another million at the day job, I hadn’t exactly put much effort into any fiction. In short, all my stories-in-progress sat exactly where they always sit: dangling in various states of incompleteness. […]

By: biz biz 2015-01-12T14:03:41Z 2015-01-12T14:03:41Z I hate the day job!!!! You will finish it this year - that's my prediction!

By: Julie Julie 2015-01-12T11:57:54Z 2015-01-12T11:57:54Z I'll be here to read the book. Until that happens I'll be reading others but will wait with anticipation for yours to one day be published. I'm good at waiting and wondering. So when the day happens, I'll be first in line to get your book.
Take care and have a blessed and awesome day!
