Comments on: Staying Motivated Charlie Hills just writing about writing Sun, 02 Apr 2017 03:31:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeremy the Motivator Wed, 29 Sep 2010 00:53:04 +0000 I completely understand where you are coming from. I am a writer wannabe as well. But I do it because I enjoy it. I know nothing really about getting people to my site though. I would love someone to visit and leave a comment. But regardless if no one reads my articles...I write for myself and still have fun. Stay motivated.

By: Charlie Fri, 17 Sep 2010 13:01:32 +0000 Me too!

By: Charlie Wed, 15 Sep 2010 19:09:41 +0000 You stole that title from Voldemort? Wow, I'd watch your back.

By: Jason Wed, 15 Sep 2010 17:50:02 +0000 A billion books is a lot, but it's nothing like two billion. I'm not sure it's even half any more.

I wonder if you're psychic, because I was having this very conversation with the Most Glorious Spousal Unit (title stolen from You Know Who) the other day.

By: Tami Wed, 15 Sep 2010 17:48:56 +0000 Taking the long view is a great way to stay motivated. You might even photoshop yourself up a little tombstone graphic and tape it above your computer so you can see it. =]

It works that way with dieting, too. Right NOW, I want chocolate. I want to go downstairs and buy a cookie and a candy bar, and the only thing stopping me is looking to the future and seeing what that behavior leads to down the line. Future me is jumping up and down and begging me to stay where I am and sip my tea. She wants to go rock climbing and horseback riding, and she can't do that if I let my snacktastic taste buds have their way.

Getting back to the blog post - you're absolutely right that even the most perfect job in the world is still a JOB.

Very few people wake up every morning and skip their merry, whistling way to work.

A lot of writers dream of the day they can walk into the office of their boss, throw down their resignation, and embark on the magical journey of the published writer.

Everything I've read written by published writers assures me that you're right. It's a JOB. It's an amazing, fantastic, glorious job and sometimes it is agonizing and dreadful.

I also think it is totally going to be worth it. <3
