Comments on: Book One, Update Three Charlie Hills just writing about writing Sun, 02 Apr 2017 03:31:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Your prettier sister Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:43:06 +0000 I've never written that many words in my life, so kudo's to you Charlie!

I could never do what you are doing :0)

By: Charlie Fri, 23 Apr 2010 02:16:10 +0000 I haven't, and that actually goes along with something I discussed at one time with Tami (above). For me, I'm actually less interested in the final product and more interested in proving something to myself: in short, that I can do this and do it on my own. And while that smacks of the stereotypical lost man who refuses to ask for directions, well, then so be it. If I fail, I fail. But if I make it, it's extremely important to me that I know I did it on my own.

By: TexasDeb Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:32:10 +0000 Have you ever participated in a workshop where a group of writers works together? I wonder if a more collaborative approach could help get you kick started? (a la if I have told somebody I will meet them someplace with this done to share with them I am 99 percent more certain to both get it done and make it there...)

By: Helen Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:16:00 +0000 Good plan. As they say, free your mind and the words will follow. (Well, I changed that a tiny bit.) Love the word count graphic!

By: Tami Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:59:21 +0000 Woot! Congrats on keeping writing and learning! Synopsis are a great tool.
